This is my bedroom in a transitional stage. The headboard was purchased a few years ago from Homegoods and had a dark brown antique finish. I bought it as a decorative object to hang on the wall more like a picture, but couldn't ever really find a place where it fit in. One day it dawned on me to use it as a headboard. I don't know if that's what it was designed for, but it fits over my queen size mattress like it was meant to be. The color worked with the dark brown entertainment armoire that I had at the time, but when I decided I wanted to lighten things up, it didn't fit. What I really want is a birch plywood headboard, but painting the old headboard was more within my budget. I opted for Rustoleum Safety Yellow gloss enamel. Keep in mind that the bed belongs to my Boston Terrier. He merely lets me sleep there. Were the circumstances different, I would consider an upholstered headboard.
I painted all the walls white. Until recently, I was living with the original, horrid, flat pale green painted walls. The dark gray paint that was earmarked for the base of my cutting table will probably end up on the wall where the bed is. I'm definitely changing out the linens. There is way too much white going on here, but I'm thinking the choice of bed linens might allow for the wall to remain white. This is the direction I'm going in regarding the linens.

The room measures 13' x 13' 6". It's a decent size. Observe the trio of doors. I never really gave the grouping of doors much thought until I started writing this post. Now, I realize that it might seem somewhat crowded, but it's totally functional. There is a generous space behind the bedroom door which allows for storage. I've put my free weights behind the door. There is plenty of room for a small workout area in to the left side of the bed and the front of the drawer unit.
To be continued...
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