Here are some bedroom update pics. I haven't had a single bite on my craigslist headboard sell-a-thon. I go from hating it to loving it. Love the color, I'm unsure about the style. It would look a lot better if it were hanging lower, but there's an electrical outlet in the way. I'm brainstorming. I know for sure I need a power source behind my bed because that's where those cords you see in the picture need to go. Some wall patching is in order as well.
Although my head board had no takers, I did manage to sell the bedside table (and it's match) and the shaker storage bench. Thank you craigslist.
I'm completely sold on the tool chest as bedside table concept, but I'm still undecided about this particular tool box. Maybe a 16" deep chest would be better suited. Here's the one I really want:

If anyone out there wants to give me $300, I'm pretty sure I can scrounge the for the remaining $28. Anyone...anyone...
The lamp is a Target find. On clearance. It's kind of small, but it has its merits.
The shade is glass. Nice and heavy glass at that. After searching for the switch over the course a several minutes, I realized that it was a touch lamp. On the downside, it only takes a 60 watt bulb at max and it's not fluorescent bulb friendly. Although, I admit to loving the fumble free lighting experience.
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